MULDIS and MULDIS MULTIVERSE OF DISCOURSE are trademarks of Muldis Data Systems, Inc. ( The trademarks apply to computer database software and related services.
The word MULDIS was invented as a new word, through contraction of the quasi-meaningful phrase MULTIVERSE OF DISCOURSE, by Darren Duncan for the express purpose of using that word as a distinguishing brand name for the products and services (and entity name) of Muldis Data Systems. Said products and services are created for the world's betterment by way of the improved means to organize and share trustworthy data that their use enables. Muldis Data Systems is obligated to protect the reputation and identity of its name and works, which should be evoked by the MULDIS brand.
The trademark on MULDIS gives Muldis Data Systems the exclusive right to use the term to promote websites, businesses, products and services (such as Muldis Data Language and Muldis Data Engine); however, we (Muldis Data Systems) are happy to give you permission to use the term under many circumstances without the need of any specific permission from us (in addition to what vanilla trademark law allows).
The following is a general policy that tells you when you can refer to the word MULDIS without need of any specific permission from us:
which the official versions use.Muldis
, or com.muldis
, authority, or group id, or the nearest analogy in that language's or community's conventional naming practices, is reserved for the official works of Muldis Data Systems.Foo::Storage::Muldis_Data_Engine
or Bar::Interface::Muldis_Data_Engine
.If you would like to use the word MULDIS for any other use, please contact Muldis Data Systems and we can discuss a way to make that happen. Assuming that you agree that our rights to the MULDIS trademark are valid and superior to yours, and that you take appropriate steps to ensure that people don't confuse you with us, then we should be able to make things work out.
Copyright © 2007-2023, Muldis Data Systems, Inc.
MULDIS and MULDIS MULTIVERSE OF DISCOURSE are trademarks of Muldis Data Systems, Inc.